Posted Sat, Jun 2, 2007
A few things:
By Joanna Wissinger
It's proving rather harder to do this blogging thing than I had hoped, as I decided a few weeks ago that I would bring my son along. I had naive (yes, after almost 10 years, I can still be a hopeful mommy) thoughts that I would just stick him in the kids' program and go off to be an observing (and writing) eye. But no.
So, briefly:
- It's HOT. We are all being very good sports, especially those of us stuck on the top floor of Durfee. I did haul a fan along, but it's in my son's room.
- The food so far has been really good. And plenty to drink! It's all about eating and drinking. And talking. And losing your voice.
- New Haven is MUCH smaller than I remember! I used to think that it was a long way to the gym, and that the Peabody Museum was IMPOSSIBLY far and it was miles to Ingalls. And yet I walked over to the gym twice last night and back from the Peabody this morning, and it's only about 5 blocks. It's not like I was shorter and less fit 25 years ago. But it is possible I had to carry more. Also, I think I perceived being out on the street at night as extremely dangerous, so any trip longer than walking back from CCL to your college was quite fraught. Or perhaps there's some other factor I'm not considering.
- I walked by a group of people chatting and overheard the following: "Some people look just like they did 20 years ago. And others ... don't." Too true!
Most however are quite recognizable and it's been so much fun to see everyone. I would make a list but I'm afraid I'd leave someone out. I'm really looking forward to the class dinner!