
Posted Mon, Jun 4, 2007

What Makes Yale Yale - Reflection on Panel Discussions

By Stanley Jaskiewicz

When I used to interview applicants (before marriage, children, etc.), I told them that the greatest reason to go to Yale was the chance to spend time with their Yale classmates. I explained that after some years (which I can now say is far less than 25), you will forget what you learned in class, if it has not already become irrelevant. But you will remember your friends and the times you spent with them, and all that you learned from them, because Yale students bring so many different experiences and so much knowledge with them.

After attending the Reunion, I am even more convinced of that point. The panel discussions, especially the "second career" panel, were fascinating. I heard so much useful and/or thought provoking information at the panels, as well as in conversations under the tent, that I encourage future committees to include similar events.


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